Creating a Healthy Montana Conference
Conference: Creating a Healthy Montana – Integrating Community Health, the Environment, and Clinical Care. Montana Public Health Association (MPHA) Annual Conference
Exhibit: The Evolving Cigarette
Location: Missoula, Montana
Date: September 19-20, 2017
Number of Attendees: 200
Focus of Meeting: MPHA 2017 Conference Objectives
- Discover emerging trends in Public Health research, policy, partnerships and practice
- Recognize the importance of expanding your professional networks.
- Establish new norms that will sustain public health efforts.
The conference highlighted a variety of successful models for effectively working across sectors such as primary care, non- medical professionals, and nonprofits to improve public health outcomes. A diverse group of public health practitioners were brought together at the conference, crossing many sectors of care.
Decision makers were present at the conference and participants were able to hear firsthand about policy, budget and some of the political challenges when trying to protect the public.
Dave Fern, a state district representative commented that he was “Taken in by all the information and strategies used by the tobacco companies to addict the public” as shown on the tobacco display board. He felt this was a very effective way to engage busy leaders and decision makers.